Coach Ellis: FAMILY
Two weeks ago marked the sixth annual Mr. WHS fundraiser at Westborough High School. And as usual it was a wonderful community event that was extremely successful.
I remember six years ago when Mark approached me about working with him on a school fundraiser idea he had. He wanted to raise money for the HUDDLE athletic software program for WHS football; he also wanted to offer some financial support to the Westborough Food Pantry.
I thought to myself, Sure, what are we talking ? A car wash? A bake sale? And then Mark said, What about bringing our own Mr. WHS fundraiser to WHS? This event would be similar to the ones that surrounding towns were holding. I thought, producing a Mr. WHS fundraiser is not a one hour or one day commitment. This is a multiple months commitment. But then again, Mark doesn't do anything on a small scale. When he commits, he goes all in. And for those of you who have worked with Mark, you know that he is a teacher with whom you want to collaborate. When working with Mark, you know you will work hard, do your best, and have a good time in the process.
As one former Mr. WHS contestant recently shared with me: "Coach Ellis not only helped start an amazing event for the Westborough community, but also gave the Mr. WHS participants a unique experience. Rehearsal was something our group looked forward to because of the atmosphere Coach Ellis provided."
"As a teacher he made it very clear that he cared deeply about his students, which made him a very approachable faculty member. His classes were always upbeat and catered to all levels of competitiveness, which is my reason for enjoying them so much," remarked one of his students.
And so began an awesome four year run of directing and producing Mr. WHS with Mark, his wife Karrah, and several other WHS teachers (shout out to Celluch, Reed, and Cullen). Mark has an amazing way of bringing people together from all walks of life and creating a healthy, functional family of choice. He demands your full effort and skills in working with him, because he knows the awesome responsibility it is to mentor teenagers. He knows how critical it is to balance expectations and boundaries with a sense of humor, compassion, and empathy. He knows because he has been teaching and coaching teenagers for two decades.
Another former Mr. WHS student commented: "Mr. Ellis became much more than a coach or a professor. He helped bring together high school students from all different backgrounds and organizations, into an incredible and universally loved program. He was a mentor and someone who would support anyone should they need it, and ultimately created an incredible experience for WHS."
A few weeks before the show, we would hold evening rehearsals after sports practices. Mark and Karrah would bring their children Jarrett (age 5 at the time) and Emma (three at the time). I would bring my son Seamus (who was 7 at the time) and my daughter Molly (who was three at the time). All four children would play together and learn the dance moves that the teenagers were learning for Mr. WHS. Our students loved getting to know our children; and they were role models for our kids. And the idea of family was emphasized as there was a mutual exchange and understanding of respect, trust, integrity, humility, and sportsmanship.
At the end of each Mr. WHS practice, Mark would bring closure through a group cheer. I knew he would do it at the end of his sports practices. So it was pretty cool to witness and to experience Mark yell in the WHS auditorium, "Bring it in. On three: FAMILY." And then the group of teenagers in unison would yell FAMILY! The school spirit Mark would generate was contagious.
Mark believes in all kids...on any given day you can see students from all walks of life giving him a high five in the hallway saying, "Hey, Coach!" He dedicates time during his P.E. classes to creating solid relationships with his students--and as you know--P.E. teachers have a lot of students in their classes--way more than the average classroom teacher. He teaches the Advanced Placement students and he teaches the Adaptive P.E. students; Mark believe in equity for all students.Mark also believes that students have the capabilities to be leaders. Years ago he created a student athlete leadership two-day workshop that has serviced hundreds of students from surrounding towns. The leadership workshop wasn't about how to become a captain of your sports team--it was about becoming a leader even if you weren't captain of your sports team.
Working with Mark has been an honor and a privilege. I am a better teacher because of Mark. He also has become what I call my work brother. Our families respect and adore one another. And here I go back to the importance of human connection--that is why we are here--to be better and to do better for ourselves, our families, and for our students. The service we provide our students is invaluable in supporting their success--Mark is one of the teachers who provides this invaluable service to our teenagers.
Unfortunately, next school year Mark won't be teaching at WHS. For those of you who have developed wonderful relationships with colleagues, you know how hard it is to say good-bye. For me writing is one way I express myself. So, Coach--one last time at WHS--"Bring it in. FAMILY on three. One...two...three..FAMILY!"